+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1009/1281
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Posted on 01/07/2004 at 08:53:31AM |
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Savage Boredom
Yes, thats right. The crappy comic has returned. If you we're anxiously waiting for an update, I feel sorry for you that your life is that boring. But here it is anyway. I haven't finished an actually new strip, but I want to finish getting the site worked out first.
And yes, I shall be changing that uglyass purple link color. But I'm sick of doing this now, so I'm going to bed. Everything should be finished by Thursday though. -----------
| Edited by Chaos on 01/07/2004 at 03:57:14AM | |
Angel of Doom Keep Top Eye Open! Posts: 356/462
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Posted on 01/07/2004 at 09:09:48AM |
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| Nicley done on that new site. hope you gt plenty of fan mail from ugly internet women who want to have your child, or idiots who think they have the right to complain about somtehing on the internet. Lousy Beatnicks!
edit:Why is it I only notice misakes after I post them? ----------- "These shoes arent cheap. They're made from baby skin you know. Fresh daily."
- In the immortal words of King Steve | Edited by Angel of Doom on 01/07/2004 at 04:10:54AM | |
Suppo I am the Boss of You Now Posts: 576/712
 The President of Spainmark
 Location: Montreal, Quebec [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6864 day(s) and 3 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/07/2004 at 04:51:24PM |
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Here's my two cents opinion
because the way of the "MISAKES" is dark and mysterious.
congrats chaos, the site looks good, all you need now is an actual content to fill the nice layout! Keep up the good work and perhaps someday, you will maybe be rewarded eventually... did I say maybe? ----------- Boredom comes with women. Pleasure comes with women... Boredom is Pleasure. | | |
+Hyena <--- He is an evil genius Posts: 696/957
 The President of the Country
 Location: The Fortress of Searing Pain and Occasional Ice Cream [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5484 day(s) and 5 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/07/2004 at 05:19:59PM |
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Hey, how come I don't have a forum for my site? Now I'm going to have to update my site just so I can have a reason for a forum. -----------
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+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1010/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/07/2004 at 06:20:15PM |
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You have access to the board admin panel, so make it yourself damnit. :P -----------
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Suppo I am the Boss of You Now Posts: 577/712
 The President of Spainmark
 Location: Montreal, Quebec [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6864 day(s) and 3 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/07/2004 at 11:28:50PM |
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Here's my two cents opinion
waits for new episodes.... episodes not coming.. waits some more. ----------- Boredom comes with women. Pleasure comes with women... Boredom is Pleasure. | | |
+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1011/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/08/2004 at 03:42:29AM |
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You need not wait any longer Suppo! A new strip has been submitted!
And vote for me on Project Comics if you could be so kind. Just click the link on the main page. kthnxbye -----------
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@kiwibonga I own two websites now. It sucks. :P Posts: 571/717
 The President of Spainmark
 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 2497 day(s) and 15 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/08/2004 at 07:30:34AM |
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| Every time I log on I see 5 new forums its liek omg teh chaos has takn over teh plaec
So umm... yeah... If you want a forum, make it yourself. If you don't have the power to do so but would like to get one too and have a good reason to want one and think it would be useful to have one you can also ask the staffers, who, I believe, are smart enough to decide in my place. (while I slack off and play some online game where you murder people with small colorful tanks)
Oh and I'm a big fan of the comic, and also Tom's comic, so keep updating them :X -----------
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+-=UTMF|Squee!=- BLAH!!! Posts: 130/176
 Location: Imperial Beach [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 7603 day(s) and 8 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/08/2004 at 08:08:10AM |
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| K what is your name so i cah liek murder you iwt tanks too lolz
;) -----------
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+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1012/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/08/2004 at 08:46:00AM |
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Quoting kiwibonga:
omg teh chaos has takn over teh plaec
Damnit, he's on to me!
Oh by the way. Add me to the the hosted site's link. Or do something superflous like littering the front page with my banner! It's up to you really. ;) -----------
| Edited by Chaos on 01/08/2004 at 03:48:16AM | |
@kiwibonga I own two websites now. It sucks. :P Posts: 572/717
 The President of Spainmark
 Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 2497 day(s) and 15 hour(s) ago
Registered: Sep 16 2002 |
Posted on 01/08/2004 at 10:38:29AM |
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| My tank murderage name is "kiwibonga" -- quite original I must say... -----------
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+Hyena <--- He is an evil genius Posts: 705/957
 The President of the Country
 Location: The Fortress of Searing Pain and Occasional Ice Cream [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5484 day(s) and 5 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/12/2004 at 03:56:14AM |
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+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1020/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/12/2004 at 06:11:59PM |
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Yeah, I pointed it out in my comments:
"Three whole months, and this was the best I could come up with? How sad. Well, at least I got that Invader Zim quote in there, so it's not a total loss. " -----------
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+Hyena <--- He is an evil genius Posts: 706/957
 The President of the Country
 Location: The Fortress of Searing Pain and Occasional Ice Cream [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5484 day(s) and 5 hour(s) ago
Registered: Oct 31 2002 |
Posted on 01/12/2004 at 07:39:15PM |
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I think your comic was at its high point when the characters accidentally ended up in Donkey Kong Country, and when they fired the dolphin beam at the Chozo statue.
Do more of that. :) -----------
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Angel of Doom Keep Top Eye Open! Posts: 361/462
 Location: anywhere i can log onto [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6680 day(s) and 17 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/12/2004 at 10:44:17PM |
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| dude, what the hell is it with your site that makes it so that i cant access the newest comic from the one before it? ----------- "These shoes arent cheap. They're made from baby skin you know. Fresh daily."
- In the immortal words of King Steve | | |
+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1021/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/12/2004 at 10:57:53PM |
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Hyena: I'm actually trying this whole "storyline" thing, but I'll try to keep the stupidness in there. :)
Angel: Just use the "newest" link. They are the same thing in that instance.
EDIT: Okay, I just made the picture a link to avoid further confusion. Also added a bit to the links and characters sections. Expect the FAQ to be done soon as well. -----------
| Edited by Chaos on 01/12/2004 at 10:56:06PM | |
The One Called Roneldo Cupcake of Legend Posts: 60/76
 Location: Land of the rising crust [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6840 day(s) and 8 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/13/2004 at 06:10:43PM |
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| I think your humility must surely be false. You call your object "sucky," and would criticize people who enjoy it, yet you went ahead and made a discussion forum for it, before actually adding the content it was intended to discuss, at that. I appear before you today without a point to make, only to state that I find your behaviour to be inconsistent and confusing. -----------
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+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1022/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/13/2004 at 06:50:36PM |
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Indeed, my behavior is contradictiary. However, it is so because self-degradation comes off alot better than pompous superiority. Of course I like my own comic. If I didn't I wouldn't continue to make it. If I truly thought it sucked as much as I say it does (which may or may not actually be true), I would have stopped long ago. -----------
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witeasprinwow THE DRUGS...? Posts: 170/199
 Last Activity: 6113 day(s) and 15 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 9 2003 |
Posted on 01/13/2004 at 06:51:05PM |
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| Silence! Don't ruin his delusions of grandeur! Otherwise, he'll notice all the death robots! -----------
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Suppo I am the Boss of You Now Posts: 581/712
 The President of Spainmark
 Location: Montreal, Quebec [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6864 day(s) and 3 hour(s) ago
Registered: Oct 20 2002 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 12:50:40AM |
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Here's my two cents opinion
Roneldo, are you purposefully (is that even a word?) pointing out everyone's behavioral problems because you study psychology or are you just here to rally everyone against you? ----------- Boredom comes with women. Pleasure comes with women... Boredom is Pleasure. | | |
The One Called Roneldo Cupcake of Legend Posts: 61/76
 Location: Land of the rising crust [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6840 day(s) and 8 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 24 2003 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 02:48:28AM |
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| I'd tell you, but something's been bothering me. Your two cents opinion. Two cent. Two cent opinion. Two cents opinion makes the opinion seem like it belongs to the cents and you just forgot an apostrophe. If you really do mean for cents to be in the plural, you should have them following "here are" and not a contraction of "here is." -----------
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witeasprinwow THE DRUGS...? Posts: 171/199
 Last Activity: 6113 day(s) and 15 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 9 2003 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 02:56:22AM |
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| The phrase is, indeed, "My two cents". I believe it was Ben Franklin who stood on the sidewalks and offered people two pennies to tell Ben what they were thinking about. Might have been Jefferson now that I think about it, but I'm not really sure.
And yes, Roneldo is here just to piss you off. But he excels at his job. -----------
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+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1023/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 03:54:20AM |
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Yes, but unlike most, Roneldo has full mastery of the english lanuage. Kudos to you Roneldo for your avid use of punctuation and proper grammar.
As for the "two cents" thing, I always allow my currency to influence my decisions. So indeed, they are my two cent's opinion. Why you brought it up though is beyond me. -----------
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Suppo I am the Boss of You Now Posts: 582/712
 The President of Spainmark
 Location: Montreal, Quebec [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6864 day(s) and 3 hour(s) ago
Registered: Oct 20 2002 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 08:14:50AM |
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Here's my two cents opinion
when you'll be able to correct my french (which is my first language) then we'll talk, until then, go play in the sand with your buddies. ----------- Boredom comes with women. Pleasure comes with women... Boredom is Pleasure. | | |
witeasprinwow THE DRUGS...? Posts: 172/199
 Last Activity: 6113 day(s) and 15 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 9 2003 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 08:21:41AM |
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| By sand, do you mean sandbox? Because if you do, we really need to come up with a list of "insults to imrpove upon". -----------
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DCB Jessica Alba's lesbian lover Posts: 987/1156
 Location: School Street - home of the brave [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6629 day(s) and 8 hour(s) ago
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Posted on 01/14/2004 at 10:33:32AM |
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| I just have to say that you might wanna rethink the title, because upon first reading the phrase "Savage Boredom" the song "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden popped into my head. I guess I'm that sadistic and evil. -----------

Oderint, dum metuant. | | |
MarkVega Pusher of Crates. Puller of Levers. Posts: 569/686
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Posted on 01/14/2004 at 11:47:21AM |
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| I say this, ye spawn of hell;
Cool site and navigation.
... Well, I finally took some time to read all the strips in one go (On dail up now) ...and..well, you know how to manipulate sprites. :)
Fun stuff, a little too much on the self inflicting humor there but okay.
Keep it up!
Hey, if you make yer comics a bit shorter, it might be easier to update more often..?
----------- My art. Hey, it's a big difference from your usual porn, barbarian.
Vault Oh Evil Imagery, here. | | |
+Chaos Wearer of the Pants of Justice Posts: 1027/1281
 Location: Over there [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 5662 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 12 2003 |
Posted on 01/14/2004 at 06:08:13PM |
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Well, I've had a steady flow of ideas so far, so new strips have been coming everyday (besides the weekend). I don't know how much longer this activity will continue though. Probably at least to the end of this story arc.
EDIT: Oh holy hell! I've just relaized I completely forgot strip 4! Argh.. I can't believed nobody noticed until now.... When I get home, I'll fix it, and put the bonus strips in their own section (so the page numbers will actually match the strip number and be less confusing on me). -----------
| Edited by Chaos on 01/14/2004 at 01:41:16PM | |
The One Called Roneldo Cupcake of Legend Posts: 62/76
 Location: Land of the rising crust [E-mail] [AIM] Last Activity: 6840 day(s) and 8 hour(s) ago
Registered: Jan 24 2003 |
Posted on 01/15/2004 at 01:09:19AM |
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| Quoting Suppository:
when you'll be able to correct my french (which is my first language) then we'll talk, until then, go play in the sand with your buddies. That does sound like considerably more fun than correcting your French. We like to stage accurate re-enactments of scenes from Tremors and any similar episodes of Muppet Babies.
| | |
MarkVega Pusher of Crates. Puller of Levers. Posts: 570/686
 Fake Energy Tank
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Posted on 01/15/2004 at 10:24:21AM |
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| I say this, ye spawn of hell;
That was so fucking unfunny. I am going to cry now.
DO NOT put Tremors and ....that other thing in one sentence. o.O
----------- My art. Hey, it's a big difference from your usual porn, barbarian.
Vault Oh Evil Imagery, here. | | |